The UOC's Regulations

The UOC and the University community as a whole are governed by a series of internal and general regulations. You can view all of the University's regulations at the UOC's online centre.

What are the UOC's main regulations?
  • The Organizational and Operational Regulations are the highest level of internal regulations, after the specific law recognising the University and the generic legislation applicable to all universities. They establish the criteria under which the UOC operates, how it is governed, how it organizes itself internally and how free, responsible participation in the University's life is fostered.
  • The Academic and Research Regulations regulate the procedures and the relations that take place between students and the University in the academic field (admission, enrolment, transferring the academic record, prior studies assessment, assessment, continuation, practicums and final degree projects, and qualification).
  • The Regulations governing the University community acknowledge the rights and duties of the members of the UOC community in areas such as equality; access and confidentiality; information; teaching, learning and assessment; participation and opinion; freedom of expression and association; honour; protection and ownership; access to grants, and language use. It also determines the necessary mechanisms for ensuring that these rights and duties can be exercised and are safeguarded.
  • Lastly, the Code of Ethics contains the ethical rules and principles that must guarantee peaceful coexistence within the University. All members of the University community accept the undertaking to abide by the common values and principles contained in this document.


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