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Título: Computer science approach to the speciffic properties of Virtual Reality, as a digital interactive real time generated audio-visual medium, through the interdisciplinary project GALERIA VIRTUAL.
Autor: Narcís Parés Burguès
Estudio: Comunicación Audiovisual
Año de publicación: 2001
Páginas: 286
Universidad: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Supervisor de la tesis: Dr. Xavier Berenguer Idioma(s) de la tesis: Catalan
Copyright: Narcís Parés Burguès - UPF, 2001
Idiomas habituales del autor: Català, English, Castellano
E-mail: npares@iua.upf.es
Palabras clave: Virtual Reality, Computer Human Interaction, Interactive Communication, Art Production, Real Time.
Abstract: This work gathers the research done in the field of Virtual Reality (VR) and the acquired experience in artistic VR productions during the last seven years, within the context of the metaproject Galeria Virtual. This research is found at the confluence of VR technology, human-computer interaction, audio-visual communication, and contemporary artistic production, although this thesis work takes an approach from the ambit of computer science. We state three main goals: (1) to reach a definition of VR that is not tied to a certain technology, that provides information of its basic components and that does not constrain VR as a simulation tool; (2) to reach detailed knowledge of the processes around VR productions through the design and development of five artistic experimental productions in the ambit of Galeria Virtual; (3) point and sketch some properties that are speciffic to VR, understood as a digital interactive real time generated audio-visual medium, and how these properties differentiate it from other media.
Fecha de recepción: 11.04.05
ID del resumen: LEA100000