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Título: De la pràctica artística a la comunicació audiovisual i multimèdia
Autor: Antoni Mercader i Capellà
Estudio: Comunicació Audiovisual
Año de publicación: 1999
Páginas: 353
Universidad: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona
Supervisor de la tesis: Dr. Jordi Pericot i Canaleta Idioma(s) de la tesis: català
Copyright: Antoni mercader i UPF
Idiomas habituales del autor: català, castellano, english, deutsch
URL de la tesis: http://www.tdcat.cesca.es/TDCat-1108101-132351/
E-mail: amercader@ub.edu
Palabras clave: Art interactiu, Hipertext, Art contemporani, Comunicació audiovisual, Ecologia dels mèdia Hipermèdia, Media criticism, Videoart, Netart, Mirada postmoderna, Multimèdia, Imatge digital, Postfotografia, Realitat virtual, Videoactivisme
Abstract: ABSTRACT ¿From artistic practice to audiovisual and multimedia communication¿ The mating of forms and episodes of contagion between artistic practice and audiovisual and multimedia in the context of change in the society of culture over the last thirty years are the subject of this dissertation. Its genesis lies in the hypermedia formalization (texts, images, sounds, and videos) of the latter and in the desire to give structure, organization and rules to the referential and methodological framework, as well as the epistemological corpus, in a ramified fashion. Under a synchronic, interactive ordering of procedures of asking about what (detection), seeing where and what it has involved (analysis), and learning how and in what way (description), we extract an assessment of the complex set of contributions made by art to communication. The blows, noiseless, to the rigid structures of communication, encouraged by art; the consequences of the exercise of a critical sense toward mediation and of an increased awareness of the ecology of the media; the influences on the renewal of the perception of media space and time make up part of the set of conclusions. Art¿s contribution to the appearance of new typologies of audiovisual and multimedia expression; the effect of elements originating in art on the shape of a post sensibility in present-day communication are described in this non-linear dissertation (original hypermedia version), now available in linear form (PDF text version).
Fecha de recepción: 01.06.05
ID del resumen: LEA100040