LAB Metadecidim 9. Radical democracy stories

The CN&SC research group of the IN3, together with Ajuntament de Barcelona, is glad to invite you to a new session of the LAB Metadecidim entitled "Radical democracy stories: narratives for citizen participation and network democracy".

LAB Metadecidim is an open and collaborative research space which includes monthly sessions aimed at local, national and international experts to address urgent issues challenging the Decidim project and networked democracy more broadly.


Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats
Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 3rd floor
08030 Barcelona


14/02/2018 10.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona and the CN&SC research group of the IN3 (Technopolitics)


The goal of this ninth session is to open a debate on how to think, build, share and collectively analyse possible narratives about radical democracy and network participation.

Some of the questions are:

  • - What theoretical frameworks allow us to understand the narrative worlds of participation and radical democracy?
  • - What narratives exist about radical democracy?
  • - Which ones do we want to build?
  • - How do we organize narrative production devices?
  • - How may we construct collaboratively these empowering narratives in a context where various public-common technopolitical projects are being deployed?
  • - How can we analyse these networked narratives? What techniques, analysis tools, knowledge and practices can help us?

Programme and registration.

We hope to see you there!

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Please, register here.