Information and Knowledge Society

La imatge del Futbol Club Barcelona al Japó. Anàlisi quantitativa i qualitativa de la cobertura del club a la premsa digital esportiva japonesa durant les temporades 2010-11 i 2013-14

Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society

Author: Jordi Juste Garrigós
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Catalan
Supervisors: Dr Lluis Pastor Pérez 
Departament / Institut: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Keywords: Barça, Japan, glocal, identity, image.
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The study of Barça's image in Japan is useful to understand both the scope of the globalization of football and the projection of a club from a small European country in a big Asian nation. Barça's glocal dimension is reflected in the coverage of the daily Nikkan Sports and Sponichi during the 2010-11 and 2013-14 seasons. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of photographs, headlines and texts reveals the positive image of a famous Spanish club known as F.C. Barcelona and represented especially by Lionel Messi. The coverage focuses on the sporting side of the organization and concentrates on the decisive phase and events of the season and on it's relationship with Japan. It doesn't present inconsistencies between headlines, photographs and bodies and shows an implicit narrative where universal and Japanese metaphors are prominent and stereotypes are absent.