Xarxa nacional liderada pel grup SOM Research Lab aconsegueix finançament del Ministeri d'Economia, Indústria i Competitivitat


The Ministry has recently announced the funding of the “Thematic network on model driven software development”, led by the research group SOM Research Lab of IN3 and directed by Robert Clarisó – professor of IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications at the UOC and member of the research group. 

The goal of the National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research is to “promote the creation and development of excellent research networks that are able to plan joint activities, strengthen the results of previous R&DI and carry out internationally promoted activities and strategic positioning.”
The network, with a total of 10 participating universities, is coordinated by Dr. Robert Clarisó, IT professor at the UOC and member of SOM Research Lab (IN3). The research groups that form part of the network are ATENEA (Universidad de Málaga), Alarcos (UCLM), TaTAmI (Universitat Politècnica de València), Quercus (Universidad de Extremadura), Informática Aplicada TIC (Universidad de Almería), Miso (UAM), MPI (UPC), Modelum (Universidad de Murcia) y Kybele (URJC). In addition, the network is open to the participation of researchers and groups from other universities and welcomes the involvement of software development companies. 
The network members are the creators of the research community on model driven software development in Spain. Since its beginnings, they have been very active in research and knowledge transfer in the field, having formed agreements and contracts totalling nearly €3 million since 2010. Part of this joint activity has been carried out through thematic networks awarded in previous calls: DSDM 2005 (TIN2005-25886-E), DSDM 2008 (TIN2008-00889-E/TIN), TEDIS (TIN2011-15009-E) y MDE 2014 (TIN2014-53555-REDT).
The network has a duration of 2 years (2017-2018) and an awarded budget of €15,000. In this edition, the call for entries was highly competitive and approximately 1 out 3 proposals were awarded, which is why receiving the grant is viewed very positively. 
Description and goals
In the field of software engineering, Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) is a paradigm in which models substitute code as the main device in the development process. MDSD techniques are used in a wide variety of sectors – from automation and telecommunications to banking and integrated systems, among others. 
The network has two top priorities. Firstly, to promote the scientific excellence of the MDSD community, thus expanding partnerships and international projects.  Secondly, strengthen the adoption of MDSD technology at the industrial level through initiatives such as industrial doctorates and participation in business clusters and technology platforms. 
Planned actions include biannual meetings, shorts stays by network researchers, visits by international researchers, a summer school for students and young MDSD researchers and a portal geared towards promoting collaboration with companies that will help boost the internationalization of this network and knowledge transfer.

For more information, click here.