La UOC acollirā la VI jornada dedicada a la recerca interdisciplināria sobre Complexitat


The greatest challenges faced by society lay at the interface between traditional scientific disciplines —chemistry and economics, social sciences and computer science, physics and biology. A common characteristic of these challenges is that they involve many components that influence each other in nontrivial ways; it is in this sense that we talk about complexity and complex systems. With many recognized researchers in complex systems, Catalonia has become an international hub for complexity science. is the Catalan Network for the Study of Complex Systems. brings together researchers from different disciplines with the goal of promoting the research and popularization of complexity science in Catalonia.

Among other initiatives, organizes an annual meeting, in which its members gather for a day to display their work, discuss and exchange ideas, or as an opportunity to meet future students. This year, the VI Jornada de la Complexitat: "Interdisciplinary Research on Complexity" will be held at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, on May 24, organized by the research group on Complex Systems CoSIN3, directed by Javier Borge Holthoeffer.

More information about the programme, here.