
"Connecting workplace and learning in higher education"

First seminar of the European Skill Up project

The first seminar of the European Skill Up project, which is to take place on 19 June under the title “Connecting workplace and learning in higher education”, is aimed at sharing and reflecting on the project’s ongoing results. Participating in the seminar, to be held in English, will be the consortium members, who will also present the main results achieved so far.

Two keynote speakers will also be contributing to the seminar. Joan Miquel Verd Pericàs, Director of the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) and associate professor at the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), will focus on how employer representatives perceive graduates’ employability skills and whether higher education institutions are providing students with the skills needed for the world of work. Eva Edman Stålbrandt, senior lecturer and director of study at Stockholm University’s Department of Education and member of the project team, will give a presentation on how authentic learning approaches in higher education can enhance the employability skills of new graduates.

About the project

The purpose of the Erasmus+ Skill Up project is to bring together educational institutions and companies in response to the urgent priority established by Europe 2020 policies to promote graduates' employability by means of strengthening ties between higher education curricula and the world of work. The project is coordinated by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and headed by Adriana Ornellas, professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, with the participation and involvement of the following consortium institutions: the Institut Obert de Catalunya (IOC), Stockholm University, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau) and the Factor Humà Foundation.

The project is about to launch its website, The space will provide interesting information on the development of the project, and its output will be shared and regularly updated.

Interested in learning more about the Skill-Up project and connecting workplace and learning in higher education? Register here and attend the seminar on 19 June at UOC Tibidabo.