
The UOC will be analysing what the schools of the future should be like

So they can adapt to the needs of the new learning models

What should spaces within schools be like and how should they be used to adapt to the new needs of the new learning models? To answer this and other questions, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is promoting the project Smart classroom: the co-design of innovative learning environments: researching new classroom models, with funding from the Recercaixa programme.

Coordinated by Guillermo Bautista, researcher and professor from the UOC's Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, the project will look at how to establish principles and criteria when designing school spaces and how to implement them using classroom-space prototypes for primary and secondary education.

The aim of this research is to determine the basic and specific parameters, taking into account the resources and spaces when designing flexible environments, their educational impact, teaching innovation, satisfaction, educational success and minimizing learning barriers, among other factors.

Recercaixa Programme
This project is funded by the “la Caixa” Foundation's Recercaixa programme, which is supported by the Catalan Public University Association (ACUP). Together with this project, the programme funds three UOC research projects as part of the current call.