
Open Evidence to study cost-effectiveness, cost-efficiency and EU added-value of actions performed under the EC Health Programme

Data-gathering study on the common financial framework for the management of expenditure under Regulation 282/2014

Open Evidence, a spin-off from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in partnership with Ernst & Young, has been commissioned to conduct a data-gathering study on the common financial framework for the management of expenditure under Regulation 282/2014. The study is to be carried out on behalf of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (EC).

This study consists of gathering and analysing data on the cost-effectiveness, cost- efficiency benefits and EU added-value of actions performed under the Health Programme, and designing detailed programme indicators for future monitoring and evaluation purposes regarding the actions to be retained for the post-2020 programming period. The methodology will combine primary and secondary data gathered through desk and field research. The data collection and analysis phase will rely heavily on text mining techniques. The analysis will include the assessment of the future programme impacts under different funding scenarios, as well as the development of detailed programme indicators for future monitoring and evaluation purposes. The results of this study will help feed the impact assessment and evaluation carried out by the Commission.

About Open Evidence

Open Evidence is an international quantitative consultancy firm that promotes operating strategies for decision-making processes through data-based computational intelligence. Open Evidence aims to help administrations and companies adopt changes in the fields of assessment and modelling, as well as environmental, behavioural and health sciences.