Service charter

How can we help you?

1. Advice

We can offer you advice and support on how to incorporate the gender perspective in UOC procedures and activities, in the spheres of teaching, research, decision-making, marketing actions and internal and external communication.

2. Complaints and requests service

If you have a complaint, request or query related to a situation of gender discrimination, such as sexual
harassment, homophobia, lesbophobia or transphobia, occurring within the context of your activity at the UOC, you can contact the Equality Unit in absolute confidentiality.

Service charter (PDF)

What do we do?

The UOC Equality Unit proactively implements the following actions: 

Service charter (PDF)

1. Gender equality plan

We draft the University’s gender equality plan, monitor its implementation and evaluate the results.

2. Diagnostics reports

We draft diagnostics reports which seek to analyse the reality of the University from a gender perspective.

3. Statistical breakdowns

We promote the breakdown by gender of the statistical data generated by the University, with regard to its teaching activity, scientific output and the organization of its teaching and research staff.

4. Dissemination of information and organization of activities

We carry out actions to raise awareness for the UOC community on the principle of gender equality.

5. Protocol against sexual harassment

We implement the protocol against harassment of a sexual nature and on the grounds of gender or sexual orientation. 

6. Collaboration with university networks

We collaborate with university networks specializing in gender issues in Catalonia and the rest of Spain, in order to share experiences with other units and help consolidate gender policies within the university sphere.

7. Respectful communication

We ensure that the communication between the different groups and the dissemination of news items in the University are respectful from a gender perspective.