Call for papers for 2nd International Workshop on Socio-gerontechnology

Fotografía de Tiago Muraro en Unsplash

The CareNet research group has the pleasure to invite papers for an international workshop exploring the intersection of Science and Technology Studies and Age Studies, to be held in the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3/UOC) in Castelldefels (Barcelona) on the 21st-22nd June 2018.
After its 2017 inaugural meeting in Vienna, this is the second workshop of the Socio-gerontechnology network that explores themes at the intersection of STS and Age Studies. The aims of the Barcelona meeting are to bring together scholars working in this and related areas, discuss recent developments in the field, and further build the network. There will be ample room to discuss papers.
The concept “technogenarian” is proposed by Joyce and Loe (2010) to bring to the fore aspects of the ageing experience that usually remain concealed by structural ageism: older people are not only the beneficiaries or dupers of science and technologies but they create, use, and adapt technologies to negotiate in every dimension of their daily life. The existence of the technogenarians signals a research domain at the crossroad of Science and Technology Studies and Ageing Studies that is currently under explored. However, as Joyce and Loe (2010) acknowledge, the technogenarians are usually the “economically privileged baby boomers” that seem to better enact the successful and active ageing core values. By unsettling technogenarians, we are sending an invitation to social science scholars to further explore this interstitial domain between STS and Ageing Studies in order to address questions such as: what are the critical consequences of science and technological innovations in the life of older people, what forms of “being old” or social groups are left aside, co-opted, or normalized in the design and implementation of new technologies for active ageing. In sum, we would like to explore what happens to Age Studies and STS if rather than greying the cyborg we try to cyborg the grey.
We welcome paper proposals from people at any stage in their career around the topic of the call or any of the following which can be situated at the crossroad of Age Studies and Science and Technology Studies.
● The digital everyday life of older people
● Gaming and older people
● Social media, participation and isolation in later life
● Critical approaches to active & independent ageing and silver economy
● The constitution of later life in biomedical and ICT innovations
● Changing geographies of later life in a digitized world
● Ageism, antiaging and innovation
● Design for, with and by older people
● Care infrastructures in the ageing societies
● Future making and the coming of the ageing society
● Queering ageing
● Citizenship, activism and older people.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to by 15th of March. We will inform authors if they are accepted by 30th March.