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Greening-Turisme: a platform for exchanging knowledge geared towards the dissemination of sustainable tourism through ICTs

Francesc González (

Lecturer in the UOC Department of Economics and Business Studies

Oriol Miralbell Izard (

Lecturer in the UOC Department of Information and Communication Sciences

Marta Gemma Nel·lo Andreu

Tutor in the UOC subject of Ecotourism

Francesc Romagosa Casals (

Tutor in the UOC Tourism Programme


This article explains the experience of a knowledge forum carried out from the Tourism diploma course, with the aim of its functioning as a virtual network that helps generate proposals and reflection on this, making full use of the virtual format forum, yet, at the same time, wanting to be an archive of ideas and proposals for improvements and good practices in sustainable management within tourism.

As a conclusion to this experience, the authors are committed to opening the forum beyond the university environment: to update Greening in tourism, expand the network and strengthen the reflection and awareness strategy within the industry. For this reason, they also conclude that we should collect information on the practical use in more operational formats which will be incorporated into the forum. Finally, they feel that the forum will need to be viewed as a potential element in the research, teaching and social dissemination of knowledge chain.


good environmental practice, greening, innovation, sustainable tourism, virtual forum

Submission date:  February 2007
Published in:  May 2007

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AUTHOR = "Francesc Gonz\'alez, Oriol Miralbell, Marta Gemma Nel·lo, Francesc Romagosa",
TITLE = "Greening-Turisme: una plataforma d'intercanvi de coneixement orientada a la difusi\'o del turisme sostenible a trav\'es de les TIC",
JOURNAL = "UOC Papers",
YEAR = "2007",
number = "4",
note = "Article en l\'{\i}nia",
issn = "",
url = ""

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