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Map from PIC: Schooling in the Network Society: Internet in Primary and Secondary Education
PIC: Schooling in the Network Society: Internet in Primary and Secondary Education


Schooling in the Network Society: Internet in Primary and Secondary Education

This project aims to identify and analyse the effects of the introduction of the Internet in Catalan schools (primary and secondary education). The objective is to reveal how the network is used in this sphere and to what degree it contributes to the appearance, in educational institutions, of a new culture adapted to the needs of the network society.

With this intention, this project deploys its lines of analysis to look at the process of incorporation of the Internet, principally, in three directions: educational practice, forms of organisation and administration of educational institutions, and their links with the community and the territory.

This research was carried out by the ENS (Education and Network Society) research group. With a comparative perspective, and based on empirical data, the work of this group is aimed at interpreting the changes in the field of non-university education in terms of the parameters established by our society at present.

Research directors
Josep M. Mominó, professor at the UOC and co-director of the research project
Carles Sigalés, professor at the UOC and co-director of the research project

Authors of the research report:
Carles Sigalés, professor at the UOC and co-director of the research project
Josep M. Mominó, professor at the UOC and co-director of the research project
Julio Meneses, researcher at the IN3

In collaboration with:
Ferran Ruiz and Eva Borràs

With the support of:

logo of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia
Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Presidència
Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Ensenyament

logo of Jaume Bofill Foundation
Jaume Bofill Foundation

Research started in:
March, 2005

Research report completed in:
March, 2007

Published in:
October, 2007