eLearn Center's International Scientific Committee Annual Meeting

The objectives of the Scientific Committee are to advise the center, contribute scientific know-how and disseminate its activities.


UOC Tibidabo and MediaTIC Building


05/06/2013 - 06/06/2013

Organized by

eLearn Center. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


On 5 and 6 June is to be the annual meeting of the International Scientific Committee of the eLearn Center. Josep A. Planell, rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and Albert Sangrà, director of the eLC, will give the institutional welcome to the Committee members.

During their stay, the Committee members will meet Elena Barberà, director of the Education and ICT PhD Programme; Lourdes Guàrdia, director of the Education and ICT Master's Degree; and Toni Martínez, director de eLC office, as well as the eLC research groups (EcO, EdOnline, Edus, Edul@b, eHealthLab, ITOL, LNT and MeL) and individual researchers.

The Scientific Committee was constituted in 2012 with the mission to guide and evaluate the scientific activity of the eLearn Center, provide advice to guarantee the adequacy of the research strategy according to international trends in e-learning, and increase the quality of the research activity of the Center.

The members of the committee are the professors Terry Anderson (Chair, Athabasca University, Canada), Insung Jung (International Christian University, Japan), Martha Stone Wiske (Harvard University, USA), Sarah Guri-Rosenblit (Israel Open University), Ferran Ruiz (Consell Escolar de Catalunya) and Betty Collis (University of Twente, The Netherlands).