Pastora Martínez, UOC's vice-rector of Globalisation and Cooperation, will represent the European University Association (EUA) at the New Trends in the evaluation of research and academic merits webinar. It will take place on April 7 in digital format.
The EUA has been invited to contribute to the Open Science initiative: Innovations, Challenges and Projections for the Future based on an Inter-regional Dialogue. The event has been organized by the EU-LAC and Global Worker Foundation together with partners from different regions with two webinars on the 6th and 7th of April and a panel at the third World Conference of Higher Education (WHEC 2022).
The objectives of this initiative are: to provide a space for dialogue, exchange and training between institutions, professionals and experts in the field of open science; to collect proposals to make the UNESCO recommendation on Open Science effective; to develop the relevant themes for the third World Conference of Higher Education by UNESCO; and, to improve the bi-regional dialogue between the EU and CELAC and cooperation with open science.
07/04/2022 16.00h
Organized by
EU-LAC Foundation and OBREAL Global