Equality plan

The Equality Plan for Women and Men at the UOC 2015-2019 is the University's third plan since the Equality Unit was brought into being. This is the document (drafted by the members of the Equality Unit) the UOC uses to bolster and engage in the policy to fight against inequality between women and men in the university domain, both within Catalonia and at a national level.

The Equality Plan has eight key areas:  

Area 1

Consolidate gender equality policies in the institution.


Area 2

Make gender inequalities visible, and raise awareness on this issue.

Area 3

Use a non-sexist, non-androcentric perspective in the UOC’s communications and publications.

Area 4

Promote the introduction of the gender perspective across all fields in the contents of research and teaching.

Area 5

Endeavour to ensure balanced representation of men and women in bodies and areas in which decisions are made.

Area 6

Promote parity in academic activities.


Area 7

Promote access to work and professional careers.


Area 8

Manage working conditions from a gender perspective.