
Seven new UOC research projects have been approved for State funding

by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

Recently, the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness has concluded the funding call for the national research plans. It has approved seven projects from the UOC with a total budget of almost 250,000 euros. Three of these projects have been approved within the call Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento (State sub-programme for Knowledge Generation), and four in the call Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (State Programme for R&D&I Oriented to Societal Challenges.


Josep Maria Tamarit, member of the Victimology and Crime in the Information Society (VICRIM) research group, is leading the UOC's participation in the project Abusos sexuals en institucions religioses (Sexual abuse in religious institutions), with a budget exceeding 26,000 euros and a duration of three years. The project's objective is to contribute knowledge on the problem of sexual abuse in religious institutions.

Soledad Morales and Francesc González, members of the New Perspectives on Tourism and Leisure (NOUTUR) research group, are leading the UOC's participation in the project Economía colaborativa y espacios turísticos: contribuciones, transformaciones y retos (Collaborative economy and tourist areas: contributions, transformations and challenges), with a budget exceeding 24,000 euros and a duration of three years. The project's objective is to analyse the transformations that the collaborative economy is bringing about in tourist areas and their effects on tourist destinations' development, competitiveness and sustainability.

Efectos y eficacia de las intervenciones para incrementar el interés de las jóvenes por estudios y profesiones científicas y tecnológicas (Effects and efficacy of interventions to increase young people's interest in studying and working in science and technology) is the title of the project in which the Gender and ICT: Researching Gender in the Network Society (GenTIC) research group is taking part, coordinated by the researcher Milagros Sáinz. The project's objective is to analyse the effect of a series of interventions based on well-grounded scientific theories to stimulate girls' interest in studying science and technology and narrowing the gender gap in these areas. The project is endowed with a budget in excess of 43,000 euros and has a duration of four years.

Jaume Claret Miranda, member of the Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age (IDENTI.CAT) research group, is leading the UOC's participation in the project El Regionalismo en Cataluña bajo el régimen franquista: discursos y prácticas (Regionalism in Catalonia under the Franco regime: discourses and practices), which has a budget exceeding 14,000 euros and a duration of three years. The project's objective is to explore the continuance and influence of explicit forms of regionalism within the spheres of legality and permissiveness existing between 1939 and 1975.

Imaginarios de futuro de los jóvenes (Future imaginaries of youth) is the title of the project in which the Cultural and Social Opening and Closing Processes (PROTCIS) research group is participating, coordinated by the researchers Natalia Cantó and Olívia Gassol. The project's objective is to analyse the future imaginaries of young people aged 15 to 30, comparing and correlating with the future imaginaries of young people of the first generation born after the Spanish Civil War, with a budget exceeding 54,000 euros and a duration of three years.

Legal challenges of the use of big data to improve innovation and good administration through artificial intelligence is the title of the project coordinated by Agustí Cerrillo, member of the eGovernance: Electronic Administration and Democracy (GADE) research group. The project's objective is to study the use of big data and artificial intelligence technologies by the public administrations, with a budget exceeding 29,000 euros and a duration of three years.

Marta Coll-Florit, the principal investigator of the Linguistic Applications Research Group (GRIAL-UOC), is leading the UOC's participation in the project Metáforas del trastorno mental grave. Análisis del discurso de personas afectadas y profesionales de la salud mental (Metaphors of severe mental disorder. Analysis of the discourse of patients and mental health professionals). It is endowed with a budget of almost 57,000 euros and has a duration of three years. The project's objective is to improve understanding of severe mental disorder by analysing the discourse of the two main stakeholders, diagnosed people and mental health professionals.