Interdisciplinary and International PhD on the Information and Knowledge Society
Recognised research groups
Acronym Name of the Group Lines of Research
Research Group on Technology and Social Action. (Coord. Dr. Jordi Planella) 1. The study of the role of ICTs in the creation of new agents for social, cultural and organisational change to tackle the social problems that arise in the information and knowlegde society.
2. Social and cultural transformation processes linked to the penetration and use of technological devices in certain socially vulnerable groups.
Audio-visual Communication and digital culture: creation, participation, industry and social uses (Coord. Dr. Gemma San Cornelio) 1. Creation and new technologies.
2. Hypervisual communication phenomena focused on the multimedia, historical and phenomenologic iconography of the socio-cultural media.
3. New Media vs traditional forms of audiovisual culture.
4. Social communication on the net.
5. Cultural Industries, Public Politicies and New Technologies.
6. Digital artistic practices: reception and authentication processes at the Art insitution
Internet Security: civil, criminal and procedural aspects. (Coord. Dr. Rosa Fernández) 1. Cybercriminality, fraud and abuse of cards on the Net
2. Witholding traffic data.
3. Data protection.
4. European Criminal Law and e-crime
Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (Coords. Dr. Joan Manuel Marquès; Dr. Atanasi Daradoumis) 1. Distributed/peer-to-peer systems
2. Parallelism/parallelism, performance of parallel applications, automatic performance analysis, grid systems performance
3. Collaborative environments/CSCW and Groupware, knowledge management, interaction analysis, distributed learning, CSCL
Research group on university and school distance education (Coord. Dr. Elena Barberà) Educational uses of ICTs in formal educational contexts from the psychoeducational perspective. Three explanatory axes: theory, project and practice.
Education and Network Society (Coord. Dr. Josep Maria Mominó) Identification and analysis of the underlying questions asked of the educational system as a consequence of the evolution of social dynamism towards what is known as the network society
GADE: Governance: electronic administration and democracy (Coord. Dr. Albert Batlle) 1. E-administration.
2. Politicial uses of ICTs.
3. Political participation and ITC.
GIRCOM . Interdisciplinary research group on Virtual Communities (Coord. Dr. Agnès Vayreda) 1. Study into the relations between the world of work, gender and the transformations due to the implementation of ICTs.
2. Study into community expeirences in the knowledge society. Forms of sociability, collective action, power and identity on the Internet.
Language Processing Group (Coord. Dr. Salvador Climent) 1. Cognitive linguistics.
2. Computational linguistics.
Research Group on Software Engineering (Coord. Dr. Robert Clarisó) 1. Automated synthesis of a system based on its specification / Automated Synthesis, UML
2. Formal verification of the correct nature of a system.
3. Optimisation and Simulation / Constraint Programming, Petri Net, Optimisation, Simulation
Research Group on International Peace Organisation (Coord. Dr. Víctor Sánchez) 1. International Peace and Security Regulation/United Nationas Organisation
2. Regulation of other global public assets linked to the world peace organisation (Coord. Dr. Joan Campàs) Theory, analysis and critique of digital art./Digital aesthetics/audiovisual media
Grup Òliba. Research Group on Computer Applications for Cultural Heritage (Coord. Dr. Cèsar Carreras) Digital heritage
Hermeneia (Literature studies of digital technologies). (Coord. Dr. Laura Borràs) 1. Hypertext, cybertext and literary studies.
2. The theory of literature and comparative literature on the net.
3. The new ways of producing and receiving on the net (e-literature).
Research Group on Information Technologies, University and Network Society (Coord. Dr. Josep Maria Duart) 1. Transformations at universities based on Internet use.
2. Internet and learning and research resources.
3. The student in virtual environments.
4. Entreprenuerism, university and the Internet.
Young people and new technologies (Coord. Dr. Isabel Rivero) Study into practices of use, appropriation and consumption by young people in terms of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Consequently, we are interested in the overall meaning that young people construct together in these practices and their relationship with the construction of their identity.
E-justice (Coord. Dr. Agust'I Cerrillo) 1. Organisation of justice administration.
2. Administrative law.
3. Public law.
4. Political institutions. Judiciary.
Knowledge and Information Management on Organizations (Coord. Dr. Agustí Canals) 1. Content management.
2. Information Resources Management.
3. Knowledge networks.
K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks (Coord. Dr. Jordi Herrera) 1. E-copyright protection.
2. Security in P2P networks.
3. Security in ad-hoc networks.
4. Security in the e-learning environment.
5. Development of security tools under free programming.
Museia (Research platform on museology, museography, ICT and cultural heritage) (Coord. Dr. Glòria Munilla) 1. MUSEIA CIENCIA. Assessment, ICT, Science Museums, MNCC (Catalonia National Science Museum)
2. EDUMUSEIA. Museum / School and School / Museum, formal education, non-formal education, informal education, teaching, learning and ICT.
New Economy Observatory (Coord. Dr. Jordi Vilaseca) 1. E-business indicators.
2. Productivity and competitiveness.
3. Innovation.
4. E-commerce.
5. Intangibles, financing and business costs.
6. Work organisation.
7. E-learning economy.
8. Tourism and innovation.
Research Group on Intellectual Property and the Internet. (Coord. Dr. Raquel Xalabarder) 1. Lliability of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for infringements of intellectual property committed by their users.
2. Is intellectual property a monopoly in crisis?
3. Technological measures and limits to intellectual property. The digital private copy. The coexistence of the protection of the technological measures of access control and anticopy, with the exceptions and limits established in the intellectual property regulations to protect public interests.
4. Intellectual property and educational institutions.
5. Questions of private international law
Psychology, health and the net (Coord. Dr. Eulàlia Hernández) Health and quality of life in the knowledge society.
Legal and tax issues in the welfare state in the Information Society. (Coord. Dr. Ana Maria Delgado) 1. The public's guarantees in using ICTs by Public Tax Administrations.
2. Tax procedures and ICT.
3. Immigration, housing and tax policy.
4. Sport taxation.
5. Legal-tax study of the tertiary sector.
6. Analysis of the legal implications of public powers derived from the use of ICTs in education.
7. Tax policies and basic rights.