The 2023 SPINTeams Partners Meeting took place on 16 and 17 February at the UOC's Can Jaumandreu building in Barcelona. The event involved the participation of the European SPINTeams project consortium in a multidisciplinary meeting. The project is headed by the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce and backed by Erasmus+ funding from the European Commission.
Over the course of the two days, the consortium partners took part in different work sessions, visited the UOC's facilities and enjoyed their time in the city of Barcelona.
SPINTeams has the mission of providing support for companies and entrepreneurs coming from higher education institutions, by establishing a network of mentors to encourage university entrepreneurship.
These meetings allow the partners from different countries to work together as a team, establish synergies and improve communications. Their face-to-face nature provides the projects enhanced flexibility, cuts reaction times and facilitates the exchanges.
The work sessions looked at many aspects of the project, particularly WP4: Building entrepreneurial support ecosystems, which is co-led by the UOC, together with Tera and Terrassa Chamber of Commerce.
The programme continues to develop mentoring and learning processes in support of university entrepreneurship. To ensure these sessions' continuity and effectiveness, a further meeting has been set for July, this time in the Latvian capital, Riga.
The project partners are:
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the University of Bari Aldo Moro, the Institute for Economic Promotion of the Austrian Economic Chamber, Poligest, Tera Tehnopolis, European Grants International Academy, Turība University, the University of Graz, Terrassa Chamber of Commerce and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and, as associated member, Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Center.
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“SPINTeams and its consortium meet to continue developing their advisory and learning programmes to foster university entrepreneurship”