Issue 2 (2006)

Editorial Board

The UOC Papers Editorial Board is made up of the following people:

Joan Fuster Sobrepere (Director)
Julià Minguillón (Assistant director of the IN3)
Maria Antònia Huerta (Professor of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication Studies)
Àlex López (Professor of Information and Communication Science Studies)
Francesc Núñez ( Professor of Humanities Studies)
Jordi Planella (Professor of Psychology and Educational Science Studies)
Carles Prado (Professor of Languages and Cultures Studies)
Víctor M. Sánchez (Professor of Law and Political Science Studies)
Joan Torrent (Professor of Economics and Business Studies)
Gema Santos (Selection of books section)
Lluís Rius (Editorial secretary)


UOC PAPERS. Issue 7 (2008). PUBLISHED BY: Gabinet de Comunicació. Publicacions a Internet. COMMUNICATION MANAGER: Eric Hauck. E-PUBLISHING MANAGER: Lluís Rius. PUBLISHING COORDINATION: Maria Boixadera. ASSISTANT EDITOR: Judith Cortès. WEB PROGRAMMING: Carlos Lavatelli (Eureca Media SL). PROOFREADING AND TRANSLATION OF TEXTS: Xavier Canals, Alba Corral, Anna Cris, David Cullen, Pilar Gispert-Saüch Viader, Chris Lloyd, Joan Riba. LAYOUT: Grafime. IMAGE COVER: Cristina Reche. DESIGN: Sinapsis. ISSN: 1885-1541. LEGAL DEPOSIT: B. 36832-2005. POSTAL ADDRESS: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Av. Tibidabo, no. 39-43. 08035 Barcelona. EMAIL: WEB UOC PAPERS:

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