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Making It Personal: How to Profit from Personalization without Invading Privacy, by Bruce Kasanoff

Julià Minguillón (

Professor in Computer Science and Multimedia Studies at the UOC
Associate professor in the Department of Engineering and Communications at the Autonomous University of Barcelona


Today, personalization is a present and indisputable fact in many areas of everyday life, very often transparent and unknown by users of public and private services. From remembering the last website visited by a user to a system of recommendations like that of Amazon, for example, all the information implicitly or explicitly provided by users is used to establish links between the user and the organisation with the common aim of improving the service received and offered respectively. In the book Making It Personal: How to Profit from Personalization without Invading Privacy, author Bruce Kasanoff reflects on the way in which public and private institutions gather and store information about users, and how they use it to offer new and better services adapted to the needs of each case. The book has become prophetic and many of the aspects that the author predicted so brilliantly are now a reality that cannot be ignored. The quantity and the quality of the information that institutions have on users is so great that, in the words of the author, we have to keep a careful watch on how this information is used to ensure a fair balance between both sides, at all times favourable to the user, the weaker side.


personalization, privacy, new economy, stakeholder, information

Submission date: January 2006
Published in: March 2006

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