Contact the Office of Communications

The UOC's Office of Communications' mission is to raise the university's profile among the university community and society as a whole – as well as the services it offers and the institutional, academic and research activities it develops.

Àrea de Comunicació de la UOC

Contact our journalists

The UOC's media office provides journalists and communication professionals with a wide variety of resources and services.

Get in touch via or WhatsApp, or reach out to one of the members of the team.

Get in touch with the media office via WhatsApp

WhatsApp UOC News

Other teams in the Office of Communications

  • Internal and institutional communications: Arnau Cillero (director), Susana Calvo, Josep Gimeno, Núria Masdéu and Elisenda Soriguera.
  • Digital communications: Miquel Pellicer (director), Fede Alborch and Ramon Martínez (audiovisual and new formats); Mercè Guillén, Gina de Tera and Elvira Vilardell (social media); Xènia Duch (digital projects).


  • Brand and reputation: Yolanda Franco (director), Xènia Bastida, Jordi Cinca and Elena Vila.
  • Faculty communications: Cristina Fort, Cristina Morral, Helena Prieto and Alba Pueyo.
  • Research communications: Sònia Armengou, Marta Bernabeu, Anna Civit, Rubén Permuy i Anna Sánchez-Juárez.

UOC offices
