100% online university
Since 1995
Accredited learning model
+100K alumnis
Research and innovation in net society,
elearning and digital health
Check out more
A cutting-edge university
setting the standard
An internationally accredited learning model by Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
Ibero-American online university
among the world's youngest universities
Spanish universities
The UOC in figures
UOC's knowledge and experience
to meet today's new challenges
Digital transformation is more than technology
It is a cultural change in institutions. It is a transformation of the pedagogical, service and organizational model by placing technology at their disposal.

A connected community
View all networksThe UOC is a proud member of the top higher education networks
International Association of Universities
European University Association
European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
European Distance and E-Learning Network
Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo
Course offering
Find out more about our programmesProgrammes taught in English