Two researchers obtain Juan de la Cierva grants to join TURBA Lab


Mar Grau and Rocio Hiraldo have each obtained one of the prestigious Juan de la Cierva Formación grant and they will join the research group Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab) of the IN3. Their incorporation will strengthen the search line on the political ecology of socio-environmental change within digital capitalism of the research group.

Mar Grau is a doctor in Environmental Sciences for the Autonomous University of Barcelona and she was already a member of the research group TURBA Lab. Her research focuses on socio-environmental transformations in urban environments with a particular interest in resilient planning, adaptation to climate change and urban agriculture.

Rocío Hiraldo is a doctor in Social Sciences for the University of East Anglia and Copenhagen. Her research has focused on the social aspects of environmental management and the transitions towards green economies and resilient to climate change in the north as well as in the global south.
