By Michael Moore, of the Pennsylvania State University
Sala d'actes. eLearn Center
Rambla de Catalunya, 6
08/06/2010 10.00h
Organized by
eLearn Center. UOC
Next Tuesday 8 June eLearn Center will offer the research seminar “A system view of Distance Education”, by Michael Moore, professor at the College of Education of The Pennsylvania State University, and a global reference in the field of distance education.
Michael Moore is known in academic circles for leadership in the scholarly study of distance education, as he published the first statement of theory about distance education in 1972. He was also the founder of the first American Journal of Distance Education and has promoted several congresses. His research is focused on contact points between adult education and distance education, with special interest in the way both can affect economic development.
Michael Moore is also member of the advisory council of the Education and ICT (e-learning) Master's degree by eLearn Center.
Assistance to this seminar is free but limited in seating capacity.