The Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Foundation for the Open University of Catalonia, FUOC) was created to encourage the creation of its own offer of distance-learning university education.

The UOC’s Organizational and Operational Regulations establish two types of authority: individual posts and governing bodies.

Dr Àngels Fitó Bertran has a PhD in Business and Economics from the University of Barcelona, is a full professor at the UOC, and has been Vice President for Competitiveness and Employability since 2019 until 2023. She combined her teaching work with a professional career in accounting and tax consulting for private companies and public institutions. She has also been deputy chair of the Catalan Professional Association of Economists since November 2021, and a member of the Government of Catalonia's Economic Policy Advisory Board.

The FUOC’s Statutes cover the institution’s name, nature and registered address; the foundational aims and beneficiaries, and the assets and financial management, among other aspects.

Alongside the UOC’s organizational structure, there are also other coordination and representation bodies that aid communication and debate on cross-cutting processes.

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’s organizational structure is divided into four large areas: faculty, researchers, administration and the Office of the Rector. They respond to the objectives and lines set by the Executive Board.

The mission of the Sindicatura de Greuges (ombuds office) is to safeguard the rights and responsibilities of all the University’s members. They act autonomously and independently from all of the University’s other bodies and authorities. Teresa Sancho has been in the post since September 2022.