Metadecidim LAB - Session 1: "Digital Identities, Privacy and Democratic Processes"

The Ajuntament de Barcelona, the research line Technopolitics (IN3-UOC) and the María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program (DTIC-UPF) are launching the brand new Metadecidim LAB sessions. These technical sessions aim to address key issues for the development of the Decidim platform, as well as a networked democracy more broadly.

Just as social networks and mobile applications go through our lives nowadays, in the coming years networks like Decidim will transform political life. These challenges thus entailed require the collective intelligence of communities of experts yet to be built. Metadecidim LAB is an open, collaborative research space, a place where these communities are built where networks of research for a networked democracy are woven.

The laboratory will have local, state and international experts to address urgent challenges and problems of the Decidim platform. Each session will have a minimum of two speakers and an assistant as "row 0" and will facilitate discussion with the audience.

We invite the university community, its research centers and groups, specialized companies and their social milieu to join this open research area. Topics such as digital identity, security, privacy, processes and models of networked democracy, technopolitical governance, artificial intelligence for participation, political gamification and citizen science will be discussed.


Hall 52.201, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Campus Poble Nou - Tanger building)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona


17/03/2017 11.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Technopolitics (IN3-UOC) and María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program (DTIC-UPF)


Session 1: "Digital Identities, Privacy and Democratic Processes"

In this first session will address different models of verification and treatment of digital identity, with special attention to the verification, privacy and security mechanisms built into its construction, as well as Its application to democratic processes. We will also examine different projects that are already exploring this subject, both locally and internationally.

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