The CN&SC research group of the IN3, together with Ajuntament de Barcelona and University Pompeu Fabra, are glad to invite you to a new session of the LAB Metadecidim entitled "Democratic governance for public-common digital infrastructures". This fifth session will focus on which actors, structures, processes, devices and guarantees are necessary to build a comprehensive democratic governance for Decidim platform.
LAB Metadecidim is an open and collaborative research space which includes monthly sessions aimed at local, national and international experts to address urgent issues challenging the Decidim project and networked democracy more broadly.
Room 52.217 (2nd floor), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Campus Poble Nou)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona
19/07/2017 9.30h
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, University Pompeu Fabra and the CN&SC research group of the IN3
Our lives are increasingly operated by digital platforms: today Google and Wikipedia define the search and the structure of information and knowledge; Facebook and Tinder, the fear of personal and loving relationships; Airbnb and Uber, hosting and transport services. The rules that operate on these platforms affect us in a growing way. However, these rules are not decided by users but by the companies that have built the platforms. Among the mentioned platforms, the exception, Wikipedia, has a very different type of governance, based on more democratic and meritocratic structures, which can be used as an alternative reference to the hegemonic corporate model.
- 09:30h - 09:40h: Presentation of the challenge. Lab.metadecidim team
- 09:40h - 09:55h: "Wanna see your OSS project succeed? Nurture your community", Jordi Cabot, ICREA Research professor at UOC
- 09:55h - 10:15h: "Drupal: the drop is always moving. Self-management and governance of digital infrastructures in pro-common communities", Cristina Chumillas,; David Rozas, Researcher Surrey University (UK) and member of Centre for Research in Social Simulation
- 10:15h - 10:30h: "Models of governance of free software in public administration: Sentilo case", Malcolm Bain, Partner ID Lawpartners
- 10:30h - 10:45h: Questions Fila 0. Toni Hermoso, Wikimedia Bcn; Alícia Mullor, Group facilitator, El Camino del Elder; Ulises, Fuonder El Camino del Elder; Sebastià Vila, Rector Delegate of ICT policy at UPC
- 10:45h - 11:30h: Debate with the public
More information and programme here.
We hope to see you there!