Third edition of Next Generation by Design (NGBD) Symposium by DXtera Institute

For three years now the DXtera Institute, of which the UOC has been a member since 2017, has organized its Next Generation By Design (NGBD) Symposium. But this year’s event will be a bit different due to the COVID-19 pandemic – it will be online! The format of the event will be a total of four webinars given every Tuesday between 12 May and 2 June. Each one will focus on a separate theme: comparative taxonomy management, next generation education systems, exploring new frontiers and enabling smart demand. 

All webinars in the series will be held at 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time / 15:00 Central European Summer Time.
May 12 Comparative Taxonomy Management
Borhene Chakron, UNESCO Matt Gee, Brighthive
Ingo List, Antares Project GmbH
Francesc Santanach Delisau, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
May 19 Next Generation Education Systems
Mike Bourque, Boston College
Kirsi Lehto, DigiONE Future School
Dr. John Whitmer, ACT
Christophe Speroni, bettermarks
May 26 Exploring New Frontiers
Wayne Holmes, NESTA
Hanna Elving, Swedish Testbed Project
David Bañeres, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Daniel Knox, SUNY
Alejandro Jara Weitzmann, Smart Republic
June 2 Enabling Smart Demand
Marc Alier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
More information at:


Online Symposium


12/05/2020 - 02/06/2020

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya