The UOC will present the new COCEMFE-UOC Chair in Personal Autonomy and Digital Health at the upcoming Jornada sobre el Dret a l'Autonomia Personal. This event, focusing on the right to personal autonomy, is being organized by Barcelona City Council and will be held in the same city. It's to take place on 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
"UOC chairs: a means of boosting research with societal impact, improving knowledge transfer and serving society"
Dr Angels Fitó, UOC vice president for Employability and Competitiveness
"How digital health can improve and transform the health system, putting the person at its centre"
Dr Albert Barberà, director of the UOC's eHealth Center
"The Chair in Personal Autonomy and Digital Health: research in digital health for the benefit of society"
Dr Manuel Armayones, researcher at the UOC's eHealth Center and director of the COCEMFE-UOC Chair in Personal Autonomy and Digital Health
Organized by
Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat (Barcelona City Council)
Check out the other presentations on the website of the Barcelona City Council conference.