UOC to take part in a LIBER webinar on responsible research & innovation (RRI)

The webinar will present trends in open science skilling in Europe with a focus on research integrity and specifically on the implementation of responsible research.

It will include use studies showing how RRI training can be part of a strategic approach to foster open science and open knowledge among institutions' research staff and librarians. Nadja Gmelch, head of projects in the Globalization and Cooperation department, will be taking part for the UOC.

The webinar has been organized by FIT4RRI and LIBER's Digital Skills for Library Staff & Researchers Working Group.


  • Sofie Wennström

Analyst at Stockholm University Library, Sweden and Chair of the LIBER Open Access Working Group.


  • Helene Brinken

Georg-August-University Göttingen State and University Library

With a background in information science, Helene Brinken has been project officer for several Open Science and RRI projects at the State and University Library in Göttingen since 2017. She currently is responsible for communication as well as training activities of ON-MERRIT and FIT4RRI. Since 2019 she is a member of the LIBER working group for Digital Skills.

  • Cécile Swiatek

LIBER Digital Skills WG co-Chair

  • Nadja Gmelch

Director Open Knowledge Projects / Globalization and Cooperation at UOC, Barcelona, Spain

Nadja is currently working at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) as Director Open Knowledge Projects. Among her tasks is the promotion of Open Science and Open Knowledge, coordinating the Open Knowledge Action Plan. Nadja co-developed the online training course “Responsible Research and Innovation for Researchers” which the UOC is offering since 2018 and leads the Participatory Final Project (Science Shop) initiative that offers students the opportunity to do their thesis together with Civil Society Organisations or Public Administration based on concrete social needs. Nadja also teaches a module on Open Science in the Master of Translational Medicine at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

Nadja has over ten years working experience in different fields of higher education and research management. She studied Language, Business and Cultural Studies at the University of Passau in Germany and is Master in European Development Cooperation Policies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  • Pedro Príncipe

University of Minho. Project manager on Open Access.




27/01/2020 2.00h

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