Current events

Final thoughts from the Think Tank on the trends and future of health

eHealth Center
The first Think Tank on Health 4.0 covering current trends and future prospects in health was held at Barcelona Health Hub on 23 May

The first Think Tank on Health 4.0 covering current trends and future prospects in health was held at Barcelona Health Hub on 23 May. One of the main conclusions was that technology will play a key role in health in the coming years. The event was organized by #Mornings4 and various eHealth Center experts were able to take part.

Alba Coma, Head of eHealth Projects and Management; Noemí Robles, Research and Project Manager, and Manuel Armayones, Development Director of the eHealth Center, all attended the event. It is one of the most important events on eHealth being held in Barcelona in 2019. The Think Tank served as a forum for debate and knowledge sharing. One of the main topics of interest focused on trends in technology and speculation about which will have the greatest impact in the future.


I thought that the dynamic approach to the event and the wide range of professionals attending were two really strong points in its favour. This is proof that we are in need of a new approach, where multidisciplinary cooperation lays the foundation for meeting eHealth challenges and further empowering citizens.

Alba Coma, Head of eHealth Projects and Management


For a more in-depth look at the results of the event, check out this infographic in Spanish:


