Author: Irene Esteban Millat
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Spanish
Supervisors: Dr Inma Rodríguez Ardura and Dr Antoni Meseguer Artola
Faculty / Institute: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Subjects: Social Sciences
Key words: Flow, e-commerce, Internet, Virtual learning environments, Structural equation modelling
Area of knowledge: Marketing
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We propose and empirically test an integral flow model in a virtual learning environment with a consumer orientation. We aim at clarifying the ambiguities and inconsistencies existing in the literature regarding the conceptualization and operationalization of flow in general browsing and consumption contexts. The model, tested through an online questionnaire with a sample of 2,574 students, includes a new determinant of flow (personalization) and new relationships between the variables related to flow. Furthermore, two direct positive consequences of flow are proved (positive affect and learning). This research work sheds light on the processes of online browsing and, thus, on a more suitable design for virtual learning environments.