Equality plan

  1. Consolidate the Equality Unit in the organizational structure of the UOC.
  2. Draw up a service charter for the Unit, disseminate it and promote its use.
  3. Carry out a pilot project to create reports on the impact of gender on the normal activity of the UOC, prior to adopting measures.
  4. Promote the breakdown by sex of data on staff and the student body in the different departments of the UOC, using as a reference the indicators from the assessment.
  5. Draw up a database using data on staff and the student body broken down by sex, using as a reference the indicators from the assessment, and disseminate this database.
  6. Draw up a report on the overall assessment of gender on completion of the plan, using quantitative
    and qualitative information.
  7. Quantify the direct and indirect costs of implementing the plan’s actions in each of the areas.
  1. Publish and disseminate the Equality Plan and assess the entire university community.
  2. Redesign the UOC equality portal, and update the equality section in the new IntraUOC.
  3. Carry out a study to examine the culture of gender at the UOC in depth.
  4. Collect and systematize information on students’ work and family situation to analyse in the future.
  5. Include practicum students to collaborate in the studies and pilot projects carried out in the Unit.
  1. Draw up a guide for non-sexist, non-androcentric treatment of images, disseminate it, and promote its application.
  2. Revise the language guide on non-sexist use of language, disseminate it, and encourage its use.
  1. Carry out a pilot test to analyse the treatment of the gender perspective in teaching materials and
    study guides, and make recommendations on this issue.
  2. Promote best practices to include the gender perspective in teaching, disseminate and promote the application.
  3. Promote specific training on gender topics in the course offerings of the Open Courses (University @thenaeum) and seminars.
  4. Internally, encourage research groups to incorporate the gender perspective into the design and approach to research projects.
  1. Explore ways of introducing specific measures to introduce gender equality in all the UOC’s governing and representative bodies.
  2. Explore ways of introducing specific measures to introduce gender equality into the composition of
    research groups and encourage women to apply for positions as principal investigators.
  1. Ensure a balanced distribution of male and female authors of teaching materials in the programmes of the different faculties.
  2. Carry out actions to raise awareness about the equal selection of experts, speakers and guests at the UOC’s institutional events.
  1. Ensure that policies do not lead to differences between men and women in salaries or other benefits for work that has the same value. Analyse the establishment of benefits.
  2. Promote the creation of a document to regulate the internal promotion and professional careers of all UOC staff.
  3. Promote publication of internal calls, to foster equal access to the jobs that are on offer.
  4. Promote the introduction of neutral tests in recruitment processes.
  5. Promote gender parity in teams in recruitment processes.
  1. Review the use of the flexibility measures related with paternity/maternity leave and extend them to all UOC staff.
  2. Encourage men to request leave for family reasons.
  3. Revise specific protocol to prevent, detect and deal with any case of gender harassment in the University community, and disseminate this protocol to UOC staff.
  4. Adapt specific protocol to prevent, detect and deal with any case of gender harassment in the University community, and disseminate this protocol.