UOC participates in the meeting of mentors and collaborators of Technovation Girls

Pastora Martínez Samper, Vice-Rector for Globalization and Cooperation at the UOC, will welcome those present at the meeting of mentors, advisers, judges and interest groups of Technovation Girls, an initiative that is part of the University Volunteering Program of the UOC. It is a global challenge that combines technology and entrepreneurship for girls between 8 and 18 years old to create a mobile application to solve a social problem in their environment with the help of mentors. The event will be promoted by Esther Cid, entrepreneur, talent connector and mentoring specialist.
This netwotking event aims to be a meeting point and a professional collaboration for all the people participating in the Technovation Girls Catalonia program, which wants to become a female reference in the field of technology and entrepreneurship. The meeting will be held in a presencial and virtual format and it will allow for sharing experiences from previous editions, contributing new ideas and establishing new collaborations and opportunities.
Venue: In person, at the Barcelona Canodrome, and online
When: 11/09/2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Organize: Associació Espiral, Educació i Tecnologia


Canòdrom de Barcelona,
Concepción Arenal Street 165, Barcelona



Organized by

Associació Espiral, Educació i Tecnologia

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