Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT (e-learning)

Author: Raquel Ferreras Garcia 
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT (e-learning)
Language: Catalan
Supervisors: Dr Enric Serradell Lķpez and Dr. Ana Beatriz Hernandez Lara 
Faculty / Institute: Business and Economy

Key words: E-learning, business plan, enterpreneurship, competences
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The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of the creation of business plans on the development of entrepreneurial competences of students. One of the main purposes of this thesis is to get a better understanding of the factors affecting the development of a type of special skills, such as entrepreneurial skills, in a university environment for development of entrepreneurship, both from an objective (achieved competences) and subjective (perceived competences) point of view. The unit of analysis chosen has been students who are writing their Undergraduate Dissertation in the area of entrepreneurship for the Bachelor of Business Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. These students are the best representatives of the study in question because during the course they develop a business plan.