Information and Knowledge Society

Factors determinants de la transició dels districtes industrials cap a entorns innovadors a Europa: el cas de l'àrea de Mataró

Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society

Author: Julián Horrillo Tello
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Catalan
Supervisor: Dr. Josep Lladós Masllorens
Faculty / Institute: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Key words: Determinants, Industrial districts, Innovative milieu, Regional innovation system, Cooperation for innovation, Europe, Mataró

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In knowledge global economy, production specialization and generation of external economies in traditional regional industrial districts do no assure the competitiveness of its companies, which can only be achieved through innovation. This dissertation has got the twofold objective of identifying, on the one hand, the determinants of territorial innovation process and, on the other, identifying and analyzing the European regional typologies, and the main decisive factors of innovative milieu and its relationship with regional development. Here is considered the case of a network of cities related to Mataró, which presents a profile of industrial district. Results show that innovative milieus correspond to higher-developed areas with more important learning and interaction dynamics. Likewise, knowledge generation indicators are more important than institutional environment in the regional innovation process, and the absorptive capacity is the main determinant of innovative milieu in Europe, and this innovative milieu has a positive impact on regional productivity and business efficiency.