What are online research, entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer courses?

The UOC also offers research, entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer courses to support PhD students', researchers' and faculty members' research activities in academic, scientific and business fields. These short courses are run in English and focus on the development of competencies relating to research activities.

No classes or timetables

Format: 100% online

Courses in English

Study online

At the UOC, the teaching staff and tutors are with you at all times.


Why choose the UOC?

Recommended by our graduates

79 % would choose the UOC again.

81 % are happy with their qualification.



89 %

Study and work.

Companies know us.


Educational model

A key characteristic of the UOC is its educational model: high-quality online methods that base everything around the student and their learning activities. UOC students are highly active learners.

International awards

We have received awards for our online methodology, our involvement in research projects, our commitment to society and our record for quality in digital learning.



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