2012 eLearn Center report on activities released

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2012 eLearn Center report on activities released


It is available in Catalan, Spanish and English

The eLearn Center Activity Report 2012, a publication that covers the activity conducted by the center between January and December 2012, is now available online.

Following the course set in 2009, the eLearn Center, the UOC’s e-learning research, innovation and training hub has, during 2012, taken further steps to secure the core objective that lies at the heart of its mission: to become an international benchmark in online learning and teaching.

To do so, the eLC has concentrated on three key objectives: to increase its visibility and profile, to consolidate its activities and to enhance the possibilities of member participation.

From amongst the actions carried out, it is perhaps worth highlighting the constitution of the eLC’s International Scientific Committee, which is charged with the mission of advising and assessing the Center with regard to its research, innovation and training strategy and the academic quality of the work carried out here. This Committee is made up of academics and researchers from a number of continents, all of whom are leading figures in the fields of e-learning and of applied technology in education.

The publication also includes, among others, the activity carried out by more than 130 eLC researchers, which are linked either individually or through research groups; the list of university professors that have visited or stayed at the center; and the outcomes of the first research projects promoted by the eLearn Center itself, The conceptual framework for the definition of e-learning and Horizon IB 2012, as well as the research programme Time factor in e-learning, has begun to bear fruit in the form of the publication of both articles and monographic journals and books

The report is available in English, Catalan and Spanish at the 02, the UOC’s institutional repository.

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