Photography and video


The UOC's photo gallery hosted on Flickr, contains photographs that can be used in printed materials, in web communication and on social networks. 

These resources are available exclusively to the UOC community at no cost. Please follow the UOC's Photographic Style Guide to ensure proper use of the images.

Types of images in the gallery:

In addition, there are a number of free libraries of non-copyright images:

Do you need to hire a professional photographer to cover a symposium, seminar, congress or other event?



Adding videos to research projects improves their content and attracts audiences.

Each audiovisual project has someone responsible for the request and meeting the cost of the video. Make sure you have a budget included in the research project to make promotional or outreach videos.

In addition, the UOC has videos of its buildings and centres.

These videos are not edited. They can be used in any digital project for introductory scenes, cuts or transitions.

Recommendations: videos on social networks

If you want to share a video on social media, remember the maximum durations allowed on each channel:


  • Twitter: 140 seconds
  • Facebook: 20 minutes
  • Instagram: 60 seconds for the feed
  • Stories on Instagram: 15 secondss
  • LinkedIn: 10 minutes

Here are some free stock footage repositories:
