Research awards

Catalan Association of Sociology (ACS)
2009 - Catalonia Sociology Prize

Professor Manuel Castells received the Catalonia Sociology Prize, awarded by the Catalan Association of Sociology (ACS) of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC).

2008 - Innova Award

The blog Fem un museu – Jo també he estat immigrant (Let’s make a museum – I was an immigrant too) by the History of Immigration in Catalonia Museum, created by the research group OLIBA, received the 2008 Innova Award in the category of service, presented at the Expodidàctica show. 

Associació Catalana de Sociologia
2007 - Young Sociologist Prize

Researcher Clelia Colombo received the Young Sociologist Prize from the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC). The winning work was titled: E-participació: la incorporació d'Internet en els processos de participació ciutadana en la presa de decisions públiques (E-participation: the incorporation of the Internet in citizen participation processes in the public decision making).

Creu de Sant Jordi
2006 - Creu de Sant Jordi (St George's Cross)

Professor Manuel Castells received the Creu de Sant Jordi awarded by the Government of Catalonia.

Spanish National Institute of Public Administration
2005 - Fermín Abella y Blave Award

Agustí Cerrillo, professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and Vicenç Aguado received this award, from the Spanish National Institute of Public Administration, for their book titled: Las condiciones de vivienda de los inmigrantes: la intervención de los entes locales (The housing conditions of immigrants: the intervention of local organizations).

Centre for Financial Studies (CEF)
2005 - Estudios Financieros (Financial Studies) Award

Agustí Cerrillo, professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, received an award from the Centre for Financial Studies (CEF) for his work titled: El uso de la firma electrónica en la Administración pública (The use of electronic signatures in public administration).

Barcelona City Council
2004 - City of Barcelona Award for History

Joan Fuster, professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, received the City of Barcelona Award for History from Barcelona City Council for his thesis titled: Barcelona a la dècada moderada (1843-1854). El projecte industrialista en la construcció de l’estat centralista (Barcelona in the moderate decade (1843-1854). The industrialist project in the construction of a centralist State).

University of the Balearic Islands
2003 - Prize for Essay and Creation on Information Technologies

Joan Campàs, professor at the Faculty of Art and Humanities, received the 5th Nadal Batle i Nicolau Prize from the Social Council of the University of the Balearic Islands for his book L’art en pantalla. La creació digital a Internet (Art on Screen. Digital creation on the Internet).

Economic Social and Work Council of Catalonia (CTESC)
2003 - Doctoral Thesis Award

Joan Torrent, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, received the Doctoral Thesis Award organized by the Economic Social and Work Council of Catalonia (CTESC).