On Tuesday 5th March will take place the III eLC Members' Day, in which research groups and individual members will share the activity done during 2012
William Mitchell Room. 7th floor MediaTIC Building
Roc Boronat 117
05/03/2013 16.00h
Organized by
eLearn Center. UOC
First of all, Albert Sangrà, director of the eLC, will welcome the attendees. The meeting will go on with the introduction of the recently created working group OER (MOOC's) by its main researcher, Carles Garrigues, profesor of the Informatics, Multimedia and Communication Studies, and Director of the Free Software Programme.
After that, the eLC research groups will be given a voice to expose the activity done during 2012. The eLC research groups are: eCo (e-Learning, Information and Communication), EdOnline (Educational Supports to Learn in Online Environments), Edul@b (Education and ICT), EDUS (University and School Distance Education), eHealthlab (The UOC's Telemedicine Laboratory), ITOL (Interactive Tools for Online Learning), LNT (The New Tourism Laboratory), MeL (Management and e-Learning) and Museia (Museology, museography, ICT and cultural heritage).
The Day will close with the presentation of the eLC new working lines for 2013 and the introduction of this year's visits and activities calendar.
To confirm your attendance, please, fill in this form.