Seminar by Eva Edman Stålbrandt and Kajsa Falkner, lecturers at the Department of Education, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Sala William Mitchell. Edifici MediaTIC
c/ Roc Boronat, 117
15/05/2014 15.30h
Organized by
eLearn Center. UOC
A lesson study is a Japanese form of professional development that centres on collaborative study of live classroom lessons. Lesson study has spread rapidly in the United States since 1999. The Learning study can be seen as a hybrid between a design experiment and lesson study. Learning study was developed from the ideas about lesson study of Professor Ference Marton at University of Gothenburg in Sweden (Marton & Morris, 2002; Marton & Pang, 2003; Marton & Tsui, 2004) together with colleagues in Hong Kong at the beginning of 2000.
An aim of the Learning study is to contribute to knowledge about relationships between teaching and learning in school. The framework used in learning study, variation theory, states that, to improve student learning, attention must be paid to what is being learned, the capability that is to be improved and the features (critical features) that it is necessary for the learner to discern.
The primary focus of the learning study is on an object of learning. The teachers and researcher work together. The teachers chose the object of learning. The findings of the learning study are expressions of implications on students’ learning can be understood depending on how an object of learning is constituted by a teacher in terms of the intended, enacted and lived objects of learning. A learning study also gives points of departures of how to develop the teachers’ competences.
Eva Edman Stålbrandt is lecturer and director for General didactics and curriculum studies at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. Her research interests concern teacher education, digital media and teachers’ induction. Eva Edman Stålbrandt is engaged in the international network of PEP (Pedagogy, Education and Practice); a cross-institutional, collaborative research program which brings together researchers investigating the nature, traditions and condition of pedagogy, education and praxis and how they may be developed in different national contexts and various educational settings. She is also active in a Nordic network concerning induction research and CHATs – the National Seminar for Cultural Historical Studies. Since 2008 she has had a collaborative partnership with prof. Guillermo Bautista at Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, through the teacher exchange ERASMUS program.
Kajsa Falkner is senior lecturer at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. She is active in several networks, among others CHATs – the national seminar for cultural historical studies and the Swedish Educational Research Association (SWERA). In recent years Kajsa Falkner has been engaged in the project “Teachers in the transformation of society: The discursive construction of good teachers on different arenas 1945-2003” as well as the national research school in Sweden (NaPA). Since last year she initiated a collaboration with prof. Guillermo Bautista at Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, regarding the method of Learning study.
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