By professors Jack Koumi and Clive Young. This activity is part of the cycle Video and Pedagogy, on the educational use of video, organized by the eLearn Center
Room 604. 6th floor. Barcelona Growth Centre building
Roc Boronat, 117
28/04/2015 12.00h
Organized by
eLearn Center. UOC
Are there topics that cannot be addressed on video? What features should be strengthen when teaching with video? Which are the advantages of using video from both perspectives: for a professor in an online environment (easier to be understood, etc.), and for a student in online environment (go back and forward, search by voice, etc.)?
These questions will be addressed on the round table What to teach and how to teach on video, which will take place on Tuesday 28 April at the eLearn Center, with professors Jack Koumi and Clive Young.
Jack Koumi is an expert on educational use of video and has worked 22 years creating videos for the BBC Open University; later, he became consultant on teacher training. Dr. Young has worked as a Educational Technologist for 23 years at several UK universities. He also has been tutor, content designer, courses developer, consultant and project director. Since 2009 he works at University College of London and he is responsible of the e-learning consultant team.
Both Jack Koumi and Clive Young will visit the eLearn Center in order to participate on the cycle "Video and pedagogy" thanks to the programme Internationalization at Home by Fundació La Caixa.
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