IN3 Interdisciplinary Seminar. Session 3

The IN3 is pleased to invite you to the third session of the series IN3 Interdisciplinary Seminars.

For this new session we will count on the presence of Artur Serra i Hurtado, Deputy Director of the i2cat Foundation and Research Director of Citilab. His two research goals are high tech as a post-scientist epistemology and techno-anthropology. His specialties are Internet, community networking, design knowledge, living labs, citilabs and R+D+i policies.


Room -1A, UOC Castelldefels building (Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, B3 building)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)


04/04/2018 11.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, IN3



During his presentation, Dr. Serra will speak us about the following topics:

- Computer Scientists communities: What kind of research/innovation are they doing and how does it differ from research/innovation in social sciences? Why is it so difficult to work together?
Please, see the report Mission-oriented research & innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth by Professor Mazzucato drawing up strategic recommendations to maximise the impact of the future EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation through mission-oriented policy.

- Anthropology and techno-anthropology, with a focus on social and design sciences: an approximation to Herbert Simon’s work.

- What is Citilab? Explore its connection with Catlabs strategy and the new Carlos Moedas policy: "Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World". Catlabs is the programme of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya that tries to promote the emerging  phenomenon of "open labs" (living labs, fablabs, edulabs, xlabs....). Ex. Mind the Gap! (programme about the gender gap in STEM), Satchel (programme about ICT and elder people),... The speaker will analyse and encourage IN3’s possible participation in pushing these projects forward.

Dr. Serra’s visit aims at a more stable collaboration between IN3 and i2cat, the only two Internet research centers in the country. After the presentation, a space for dialogue with the other research groups of the IN3 and the researchers taking part in the session will be opened on various aspects discussed.

This series of informal seminars aims to break the dynamics of such serious activities, as well as promote team building and exchanges between research groups from different disciplines in a relaxed atmosphere.

We hope to see you there!

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