Words of welcome from the President at CINDA's 14th Meeting of Vice Presidents of Finances


UOC President and Chair of CINDA, Josep A. Planell, is opening the 14th Annual Meeting of Vice Presidents and Directors of Finances and Administration (VRAF) from the member universities of the Centro Interuniversitario de Desarollo (Interuniversity Development Centre, CINDA). This year's meeting is on the theme of «Use of Technology Applied to University Activities, from the Administrative Perspective»

The opening session also includes the following talks: 

«Promoting talent, connecting knowledge» by Antoni Cahner, CEO of the FUOC, General Manager of the UOC and member of the CINDA VRAF Committee's Academic Board.

«The role of specialist networks in CINDA's mission» by María José Lemaitre, Executive Director of CINDA.

«The UOC's Technology Master Plan» by Emili Rubió, UOC Deputy General Manager (Operations).

The meeting, which is being co-organized by the UOC and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is taking place on 17, 18 and 19 October.


Josep Laporte Room, Headquarters
Avinguda del Tibidabo, 39 - 43
08035 Barcelona


17/10/2018 9.00h