Digital Democracy and Data Commons (DDDC): Data Control Wars - Mobile Social Congress

Digital Democracy and Data Commons is a pilot participatory process oriented to test a new technology to improve the digital democracy platform Decidim and to collectively imagine the data politics of the future. This pilot takes place in the context of the European project DECODE (Decentralized Citizen Owned Data Ecosystem) that aims to construct legal, technological, and socioeconomic tools that allow citizens to take back control over their data and generate more common benefits out of them. The pilot is led by the Barcelona Digital City (Barcelona City Council) and the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (CN&SC - Tecnopolitica and Dimmons research groups of the IN3), in collaboration with the Nexa Center of Internet & Society, Eurecat, CNRS, Dribia, aLabs, Thoughtworks and DYNE.


Pl Manning - Mobile Social Congress
C/ Montalegre 7
08001 Barcelona


27/02/2019 19.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Action organized by the Barcelona Data Commons Network, designed by Becoming and Tecnopolítica (CN&SC research group of the IN3) and with the collaboration of Dimmons research group of the IN3, Eticas Foundation and Colectic.


Multiple possible futures are pulsating in the present. In the context of surveillance capitalism and the growing algorithmic governance of society, various agents organize themselves and mobilize their resources so that tomorrow is as close as possible to what they want.
Initiatives such as Digital Democracy and Data Commons (DDDC) develop technologies with the aim of pursuing a more fair and democratic society, where people have greater control over their data and their lives together. However, these ways of understanding the relationship between society and technology have to compete with others that prioritize economic profit over people's life improvement, such as the one promoted by the big Silicon Valley corporations.
Data Control Wars makes evident these struggles for the conquest of the future through an experimental game, where various actors will confront each other using technologies and ways of understanding and managing data to influence the world we will live in tomorrow.
This action is organized by the Barcelona Data Commons Network and has been designed by Becoming + Tecnopolítica (CN&SC research group of the IN3), with the collaboration of the Dimmons research group of the IN3Eticas Foundation and Colectic as part of the DDDC (Digital Democracy and Data Commons) pilot of the European project DECODE.

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