On Wednesday 22 May a ceremony is being held to mark the first completion of the Master's Degree in Public Management programme, delivered jointly by the UOC and the Public Administration School of Catalonia.
Attendees will include the the Catalan government's minister for digital policies and public administration, Jordi Puigneró, the UOC's vice president for competitiveness and employability, Àngels Fitó, and the four co-directors of the degree, Agustí Cerrillo, Xavier Antich, Elisenda Malaret i Heribert Padrol.
This master's programme is for management staff in all types of Catalan public bodies – the government itself, public sector companies, local government and universities – and for elected representatives and managers from the private sector. The first delivery of the programme lasted 20 months, from March 2017 until December 2018.
Sala d'Actes de l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
22/05/2019 19.00h