From 19 to 21 November 2019, Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 will host the Sharing Cities Action Encounter’s Stand Lab, which is being organised jointly by the Dimmons research group (IN3-UOC), Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Activa. The aim of this meeting is to bring together the entire ecosystem of initiatives working on or interested in the subject of Sharing Cities and Platform Economy. This year the meeting has four main topics: Economic Models and the Future of Labour, Inclusion & Gender, Data and Ecological Sustainability. More information on the topics.
Last year 70 initiatives took part in the Exhibition area and nearly 100 speakers from all over the world took part in the Open Forum, including Yochai Benkler (Berkman center for Internet and Society, Harvard University), Juliet Schor (Boston College), Samer Hassan (P2P Models), Marta Delatte (LiquenDataLab), Ester Bonet (Viquidones – Wikimujeres), among many others. More information about the previous edition.
Fira Barcelona Gran Via
Av. Joan Carles I, 64
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
19/11/2019 - 21/11/2019
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Dimmons research group of the IN3, Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Activa
The program of this meeting is currently open to participation: the organization is calling for organizations, researchers, civil society and governments to register, become part of the Sharing Cities ecosystem and join the conversations on the economic models of the future. Participants who wish to take part can register to present their project in the Exhibition area; they can propose talks, debates, or round tables in the Open Forum area; or they can even dynamize workshops and group activities in the Hacking Area. More information on how to get involved.
The call for participation is now for the second phase, which will end on 27 September. The first call has already collected 40 international and local proposals, and it is expected that during the second wave other projects that want to be at the epicenter on the conversations of the Platform Economy will be registered. All projects that want to participate must register in this form.
For more information you can visit the website www.sharingcitiesaction.net, our profiles in the networks @sharingaction ant the hashtag #SharingCitiesAction19 or contact us at info@sharingcitiesaction.net.
Thank you very much!
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Call for papers: